Brooklyn Gebers

About your photographer <3

Hey friends!!

Some of you know me, and some of you don’t – so I want to introduce myself for those that don’t and maybe even share a few things you may not know about me if you do already know me!!

My name is Brooklyn, I’m a child of God, wife, mama, and photographer. I grew up in a family with 2 wonderful parents who homeschooled me and my 7 siblings. That’s where my love for family all started. I’m now married and have 2 children with my husband and we have one on the way!

I started my business back in October of 2020, which in all honesty was a horrible time to start a business, first of all it was in 2020, a year none of us probably want to relive. ;P October is right smack dab in the middle of busy season when everyone has already booked their photos and right before slow season when nobody wants to book their sessions because it’s cold out. Looking back though, I’m so glad I started then because it taught me so much. It taught me to rely on God for what He knew I needed and not what I thought I needed.

I learned so much about what all went into photography and I learned how to use my camera like the back of my hand instead of just putting it on auto and clicking a button. I learned how to edit and what I should and shouldn’t be investing in. In the moment I was just discouraged that I wasn’t getting bookings, but now looking back I’m just so thankful for all the things I was learning because of that season. I truly wouldn’t be where I am today without it!

Now it’s time for a little rapid fire of things I’m loving right now:

Gilmore girls – it’s my go to editing show!

Iced coffee – it’s my daily drink of choice, but not even for the caffeine, just because I like the taste.

Seeing the world through the eyes of my children – they find so much joy in such little things and that’s something I had forgotten to do, but I’m learning how to all over again.

The book “time saving mama” by Crystal Paine – it may be 6 months after I started it but this book has been the biggest blessing and I have loved every bit of it. I’m really good at starting books and not finishing them so I’m proud that I’m nearly there.

My new website – if you’re seeing this blog post you’ve also probably seen my website as well, and if not go scroll through it all!!! I have been working my booty off to get this website finished and I am SO PROUD of it!

Ice cream – while I COULD eat ice cream every day for the rest of my life and not get sick of it, I definitely limit myself, but if you want to go grab a milkshake (or any kind of ice cream,) I’m not going to turn you down. 😉

Slowing down – there’s always going to be a million and 6 things that need to be done, whether thats in business or around the home, hustle culture is real and there’s a time to hustle for sure. But something that being a mother has taught me is that time is going by so much faster than I realized. I want to soak up all of the moments I have with my kiddos while I can. I’ve heard someone say “you only have 18 summers with your kids, make them count.” Which wrecked me in all the best ways.

Here’s to holding myself accountable for actually doing blogs now, and slowing down when I need to!

You are so loved, my friend! Talk soon!

